David Cameron: The next age of government | Video on TED.com

David Cameron: The next age of government | Video on TED.com

type of post bureaucratic govt
a govt where power lies with people
information technology used at its best to empower people.

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Jane Chen: A warm embrace that saves lives

Jane Chen: A warm embrace that saves lives | Video on TED.com

More than 2 million newborns die every year just because they can,t regulate their body temperature.
a new device which can function as an incubator at low cost.
which can grossly reduce INFANT MORTALITY RATE and can save millons of newborns.
This device may work wonder for these newborns who born in remote areas.A normal incubator cost RS.20000/-. this device costs RS.1000-1400/-.

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A 21st century EINSTEIN

Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology | Video on TED.com

Pranav Mistry is the inventor of SIXTH SENSE.
born in 1981 in Palanpur, India
Mistry has been called "one of the two or three, best inventors in the world right now.
Pranav Mistry is passionate about integrating the world of information with our real world interactions. Among some of his previous work, Pranav has made intelligent sticky notes that can be searched, located and can send reminders and messages. a pen that can draw in 3D. and a public map that can act as Google of physical world

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